Local Schedule/Results – Saturday, April 20

Boys Tennis Aplington-Parkersburg @ Waverly-Shell Rock – 9:00 a.m. Boys Golf Bob Schmadeke Invitational @ Grundy Center – 8:00 a.m. (Grundy Center, Iowa Falls-Alden) Algona Tournament – 10:30 a.m. (Belmond-Klemme, Clarion-Goldfield-Dows, West Fork) College Baseball Rutgers @

Cerro Gordo County auditor to be investigated by a state board


The Iowa Ethics and Campaign Disclosure Board has approved an investigation into the violation of campaign laws involving Cerro Gordo County Auditor Adam Wedmore after he used a county-owned postage meter for political purposes. Wedmore, of Rockwell,

Dike-New Hartford School Board approves next budget


The next fiscal year budget was approved this week by the Dike-New Hartford School Board. The total budget will be $21,569,555, with the property tax rate of $14.81 per one thousand dollars of assessed value. The income

Belmond-Klemme School Board meets


Thursday night the Belmond-Klemme School Board set the income surtax at 6 percent, approved the next fiscal year budget, and approved to amend the current fiscal year budget. The B-K board approved the calendar for the next

Hampton Police Department to Host Citizens Academy in May


The Hampton Police Department will host their first annual citizens academy next month at the council chambers.  The citizens academy will provide community members with an inside look into what the Hampton Police Department does. Police chief