Last Saturday and Sunday night you may have seen the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) in the sky. If you didn’t catch them that’s ok. Neither did I. Northern lights are notoriously difficult to predict. The term Aurora Borealis was coined in 1619 but has been noted as seen as far back as 2600 BC. They can usually be seen between the hours of 10pm and 12am. Conditions for viewing need to be clear skies, free of light pollution. The sight is visible from 15-30 minutes but have been known to last up to a couple of hours in some locations. 5% of reported sights have been associated with whistles, cracks and hissing sounds. Some have even reported smelling a sulphureous odor when viewing the light nearest the pole. Green is the most common color seen, while blue is the rarest. Did you get to catch the light show?