Yesterday, we saw massive storms all across Iowa. I live in Hampton where we saw tree limb debris and downed power lines. A transformer blow near our house and lost power for two hours. I wondered if I needed to bring my house plants, that were on the porch, inside. I had decided they were getting a real tropical condition, and to let them be. My husband and I were talking about how we may need to bring the grill inside the garage, when we heard something bang against the garage door. A branch to our ash tree had fallen down in between my car and the garage. My father in law was quick on the gun. As soon as the storm had passed he was at our house to cut up the branch for easy removal. And wouldn’t you know it, my car was totally fine. Not a scratch on her. I walked my dog and saw a lot of debris and Mid American workers still surveying the areas. Power was restored by 7:30pm just in time to take a shower and go to bed. But I know many people were not so lucky. I want to thank all the workers that were out clearing the roads and working on getting our power restored. It is greatly appreciated.