The chances of receiving a sunburn continue to increase as we head into the month of June.
Brooke Ibeling is an ARNP with Hansen Family Hospital in Iowa Falls, and tells Radio on the Go News that one product needs to be used if you plan on being outdoors.
“Sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher at least 15 to 30 minutes before you go outside. You want to reapply that every two hours when you are outside as well or if you are sweating or you get in the water. It’s really important to set on if you’re in the water because even though your sunscreen may say it’s sweat proof or water resistant it is still going to come off and you’re going to see your sunburns be more evident that night when you don’t reapply.”
Ibeling says you must also be aware of heat exhaustion and heat stroke as well.
“If you are having heat stroke, you need to get to an ER immediately. Those symptoms are altermental status. You could be seeing seizures, slurred speech, delirium, hallucinations. It’s all the heat exhaustion symptoms, but escalated. Blood pressure is low typically, severe dehydration, dry skin, dry mouth, vomiting, diarrhea.”
Each year, about one third of U-S adults will experience at least one sunburn.