ISU Extension urging farmers to scout their fields


Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Field Agronomist Angie Rieck-Hinz tells Radio on the Go News that farmers need to be on the lookout for certain insects in their crops. “I want people scouting for army worms

City council in Dumont to meet today


Today the Dumont City Council will consider approval of the hiring of a new public works director. The Dumont council will also consider appointing someone to fill a vacancy on the city council. The Dumont City Council

Hubbard City Council approves a street repair bid


This week the Hubbard City Council approved a bid from Blacktop Service Company of Humboldt of 84-thousand dollars for street repairs. The Hubbard council received information that the fire department is preparing to create a 501-(c)-3 entity

My pets are stressing me out

I don’t know how parents do it.  I am child free by choice.  My babies are my dog, Cowboy, and my cat, Loaf.  Both are currently on meds.  My cat has had this on again off again