I don’t know how parents do it.  I am child free by choice.  My babies are my dog, Cowboy, and my cat, Loaf.  Both are currently on meds.  My cat has had this on again off again ear infection since discovering a lump in her ear. The vet said, its more harm to remove the lump than to just treat any issues that come along.  This girl doesn’t understand the ear drops are to help. But she continues to scratch her ear to the point of bleeding sometimes.  Not only that, but Cowboy has had an on again off again issue with the his front left leg.  Above the paw, he has a spot he will like until it is sore and the hair is gone.  Once again put on antibiotics to get the swelling and itching down so he leaves it alone.  I apparently have now been trained to wake up anytime I hear what might be him licking.  So my sleep isn’t as great as it has been.  He also has meds to help calm him since he is a very nervous dog.  His last trip to the vet cost $300. They are lucky they are so cute. lol

I will say it a million times.  I don’t know how parents do it. I can at least give Cowboy a pill and leave him home alone while I’m at work.  I don’t think its legal do to that with a human child.  Well, I’m going to take a nap now.

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