The American Red Cross needs more donors to come forward to help a shortfall in blood donations over the last several weeks.
Josh Murray is the Regional Communications Director for the Red Cross in Iowa, and tells Radio on the Go News the time of the year is one reason behind the slow down in donations.
“Over the last month or so, we’ve seen a drop of about 20,000 units naturally compared to what we need to collect this time of year. And this is something that we usually see around this time. Once you get to May, we got graduations and Memorial Day and holidays getting in there that takes people away, gets people busy with other things. Then as we move into the summer, we’re traveling more, we’re visiting family, we’re going to the kids’ ball games, working in the fields. Everything else that takes time to do takes us away from other duties such as giving blood. And some people don’t. They maybe take that summer vacation from blood drives, but that need is still there. We still have patients and the hospitals who need it and we want to make sure we can provide it. And as we look forward, next few weeks our appointment numbers are lower than we usually see it this time of year too, so we’re really encouraging folks to try to find time, make that time for us so you can help us provide that blood for hospitals who need it.”
The American Red Cross is also providing an incentive to receive more blood donations.
“Now through the end of the month we have anyone who makes an appointment and comes and gives will receive a $15 e-gift card to a merchant of their choice. We have several merchants from restaurants to stores to other goods and services to choose from and once you show up at the blood drive and are there then you will get an opportunity to select with merchant and you’ll get that gift card emailed to you. It’s just a way of us to kind of say thank you. Thank you to those coming out. We realize everyone’s busy and this is an important thing. We want to show our appreciation for you taking the time and helping us out.”
For more information go to RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-733-27-67.