The Aplington-Parkersburg School Board approved General Obligation Bond Election Petition Language at a special meeting Monday. View the minutes here.
The language the board seeks to have on the general election ballot in November is as follows:
“Shall the Board of Directors of the Aplington-Parkersburg Community School District in the Counties of Butler and Grundy, State of Iowa, be authorized to contract indebtedness and issue General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $16,500,000 to provide funds to remodel, repair, improve, furnish, and equip the Aplington building into a grades Pre-K-6 building and to construct, build, furnish, and equip an addition to and remodel, repair, improve, furnish, and equip the Parkersburg building into a grades 7-12 building?”
Petition signatures will be sought in order for the item to appear on the ballot.