Town hall meeting held by the city council in Grundy Center


The Grundy Center City Council held a public town hall meeting this week to discuss the continuance of having a local police department or proceed with a 28-E Agreement with the Grundy County Sheriff’s Department for law enforcement services.

Some of those in attendance commented that the loss of control over law enforcement would be detrimental to the city if the police department would be dropped, residents would not feel safe or comfortable, and a price tag cannot be put on every aspect of the situation. Others stated that many times police officers are the first person on the scene to secure the scene and/or start immediate care prior to the arrival of an ambulance.

In addition, several former and current members of the Grundy Center Police Department, all spoke on low wages, overtime, how burnout is huge, and a better work/life balance is needed.

No action was taken by the Grundy Center City Council.

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