The IHSAA and IGHSAU have collaborated to separate the tennis and golf seasons by moving girls tennis and boys golf to the fall season. The announcement was made Monday by both organizations, who cite the need to relieve spring scheduling congestion as a key factor in the decision. The adjustment was discussed across 2023-24 district meetings, the Iowa High School Athletic Directors Association state conference, advisory committees, and the 2023 IHSAA membership survey.
Among nine other peer state associations in the Midwest, seven separate golf seasons by gender and all nine separate tennis seasons. The increased availability of facilities, coaching, and school resources, plus the reduction of scheduling conflicts are the top cited reasons for those successful season separations.
The change will align boys golf seasons in all classes; Class 4A boys golf has been played in the fall since 1993.
Girls tennis and boys golf in Classes 1A through 3A will be held in the 2025 spring season before the change takes effect in the 2025-2026 school year.