CGD School Board receives updates from the superintendent


The Clarion-Goldfield-Dows School Board this week received an update from superintendent Joe Nelson that leaders, counselors, nurses, and mental health professionals met at the high school and continued to discuss a Mental Health Crisis Response Plan. Nelson

E-NP School Board acts on bus related matters


The Eldora-New Providence School Board this week approved adding an all building fire sprinkler system to the E-NP elementary school renovation and addition project. The E-NP board approved the purchase of a new 71 passenger Blue Bird

B-K School Board to meet Thursday


The Belmond-Klemme School Board Thursday will consider approval of a memorandum of understanding for NIACC’s Franklin County Regional Education Center. The B-K board will also review a Phase 1 facility assessment scope and fee proposal from Estes

The Wedding Singer Review Friday on 99theWave


This Friday, I will be playing the music featured and referenced on the film, The Wedding Singer.  The movie came out in 1998 but set in 1985.  It has one of the best 80s soundtracks from a