Healthiest State Walk in Iowa is set for October 2nd


The 14th annual Healthiest State Walk will be held across Iowa on October 2nd.

Iowa Healthiest State Initiative Executive Director Jami Haberl tells Radio on the Go News her organization continues to work with other groups in the state.

“You know, we continue to monitor health outcomes here in the state of Iowa and identify where are opportunities that we can support the work that’s happening in partnership with our government partners at both the local level, the state level, and even at the federal level, but then also with the private sector and even other nonprofit organizations. Like, this isn’t going to be work that can only be done by the small staff of the Iowa Healthiest State. It has to be something where collaboration, coordination, and partnership is really critical to bringing people together to provide the supports that are necessary.”

Haberl says more information can be found by going to

“And there you will see information about the walk. We have resources available such as toolkits. If you’re looking for like how do I promote this within my community or within my workplace or school. We have a lot of free tools that we literally created for people to beg, borrow and steal. That’s why they’re there, to help you share it within your community. We also have a lot of challenges. So schools, K through 12 schools, we have our mascot challenge where schools can enter by registering your walk. And we have weekly voting matchup bracket style throughout the month of September and the winner wins $1,000 for a healthy incentive project within their school. So it’s always fun to see competition really ramp up, especially as we get closer to the walk.”

Last year over 200-thousand people took part in the Healthiest State Walk in Iowa.

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