A groundbreaking ceremony was held by VT Industries at its Creative Composites facility in Clarksville Monday afternoon. The company is nearly doubling the space at the facility.
Vice President of Operations Aaron Clauson says the Clarksville location plays an important role by providing supplies for the company’s other manufacturing facilities.
“We have two divisions, an architectural wood door division, our Clarksville site is part of that side of the business,” Clausen says. “So we manufacture wood doors for the interior room entry doors for hospitals, schools, hotels. And this plant in particular, they make the fire core for fire retardant doors, as well as soundproof doors. So they’re kind of a specialty application, but they supply all of those cores for our other manufacturing facilities.”
Clausen says the expansion will accommodate a growing company.
“We’re really space constrained. So we have 52,000 square feet here. We expanded in around 2015, and we’ve kind of just outgrown that space. So we’re adding on 40,000 additional square feet. So the 52,000 includes our offices. So we’re almost doubling our manufacturing space here. So really just gives us more room for finished good storage and to kind of expand on our operations.”
The building is being constructed in the adjacent lot north of the current facility, and completion is scheduled for January 31, 2025.