Compassion Flights in Hampton will be hosting a fly-in, drive-in breakfast Monday at the Hampton Municipal Airport.
Compassion Flights was started by Doug Pralle, and his wife Robyn, with the goal of providing free air transportation to individuals in the Iowa area that need medical assistance. All proceeds from the event will go toward Compassion Flights, which serves several people each year.
“You know, we’ve went directly to the hospitals because of HIPAA laws and that kind of stuff. There’s a little hang up on a direct connection through that. So anybody that needs our service or knows someone that does, we ask them to reach out to comp and they can request it there. Or they can stop out to the airport. The airport manager, Jay Schuman there, knows how to get a hold of me. Yeah, we take people to the surrounding states. You know, Omaha, Iowa City, obviously Mayo up in Rochester. We’ve also started working with a 501C3 out of Illinois, also called Lifeline Pilots, and they didn’t have any representation in Iowa, so we’ve been talking back and forth. We’ve got a little paperwork to do with them yet, but we’re going to start working with them to also help more people.”
Doug Pralle says there will be aircraft on display during the fundraiser.
“We’ll have some of my agricultural based aircraft out there. A helicopter. I just got confirmation a couple hours ago that Life Flight was going to be there. The schedule obviously barring any jobs that they may have to do. And then there will be also a lot of GA or general aviation aircraft there that people can have a look at and ask the pilots about.”
The Compassion Flights fly-in, drive-in breakfast is Monday from 7:30 a.m. to noon at the Hampton Municipal Airport. Price is $8 at the door, kids 10 and under eat for $4. For more information on Compassion Flights, you can visit their Facebook page, or online at compassionflights.com.