Iowa Republican Lawmakers to File Lawsuits Seeking to Overrule Carbon Pipeline Decision


Tuesday, a group of nearly 40 Iowa Republican lawmakers announced their plan to file lawsuits in state and federal courts asking for rulings that the Iowa Utilities Commission’s approval of the Summit Carbon Solutions’ pipeline project is illegal and unconstitutional. 

The Republican legislators’ lawsuits argue that the decision was made without proper consideration of constitutional requirements and of the severe negative impact the project will have on landowners and communities throughout Iowa. 

Lawmakers have had several meetings in recent days to discuss strategy concerning possible new legislation to reform Iowa’s eminent domain system and to correct deficiencies in the statutes governing the functions of the IUC. 

Lawmakers that are part of the proposed lawsuit include Senator Dennis Guth of Klemme, Senator Sandy Salmon of Janesville, Representative Joshua Meggers of Grundy Center and Representative Mark Thompson of Belmond in the broadcast area.

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