Fall harvest well underway in Iowa


The latest Iowa Crop Report from the USDA shows that corn in the dent stage or beyond reached 93 percent this week. Corn mature reached 61 percent, 5 days behind last year, but 2 days ahead of the average.

Corn harvested for grain reached 5 percent, 5 days behind last year, but equal to the average.

Corn condition rated 77 percent good to excellent.

Soybeans coloring or beyond reached 88 percent, 3 days behind last year, but 2 days ahead of the 5-year average.

Soybeans dropping leaves reached 59 percent, also 3 days behind last year and 2 days ahead of the average.

Soybeans harvested reached 9 percent this week, equal to last year, but 1 day ahead of the average. Soybean condition was 78 percent good to excellent.

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