Homecoming week continues at Hampton-Dumont-CAL with a community tailgate at Band Shell Park in Hampton today from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
The parade is Friday and will start at 1:15 at Band Shell Park and will make its way to the high school. The community pep rally and coronation will be held at the high school following the parade at 1:45 p.m.
This year’s queen candidates are Lily Hambly, Ava Swaney, Abby Drier, Charlee Morton and Kodey Eilderts.
This year’s king candidates are Elian Trevino, Austin Hanson, Silas Buseman, Colin Bird and Chase Johnson.
Friday’s pep rally and coronation will be broadcast live 104.9 KLMJ starting at 1:30.