Keeping it positive, Thoughts Become Things


One of my favorite bodybuilders is Kai Greene and one of my favorite quotes from him is “Thoughts Become Things”, I wear his hoodies & shirts with that quote on them a lot.

I’ve tried to live by this quote as when you think positive or try and look at the positive side of things it has positive affect on your state of mind and good things can come from it, however the same can happen with negative thoughts. If your constantly living in a state of negativity it brings you and everyone around you down.

With a variety of the craziness these past few weeks especially with our schools its easy to get down and become negative. Lately I’ve seen a lot of negativity on social media and out in the community and unfortunately I see that negativity spilling out and affecting the kids that I work with in the weight room and on the football field, that’s why my weight room and football coaches and I try and make weights & practice the best part of their day. We work hard to get the desired results but we also work to make it fun.

Yes, the negativity gets to me but I try to block out as much as I can but it does affect me and what I have done is found my outlet that allows me to work through the crap that life deals out and that outlet is the same place its been since I was a teen, the weight room. Friends have come & gone but the weights have never left my side.

Now everyone deals with things differently and what works for me doesn’t work for everyone. Some people like to listen to music or go out for a walk or run (running is just plain crazy lol), some people read, draw or paint and some people like to build and create with Lego’s or wood working, the point is i encourage you to find something that you enjoy and can center your mind and your world and hopefully help create a more positive environment for not only you but those around you.

Yes the world is crazy, yes there is a lot of negativity and evil out there but if we all take a step back, breath and refocus I think it can make a world of difference not only for us but for our kids and those around us.

Thoughts Become Things


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