NHTSA partners with Iowa concerning drunk driving


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is partnering with the state highway safety offices including in Iowa to remind all drivers that “Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving”. Alcohol-impaired driving is deadly and continues to be a factor

Drinking Water Advisory in effect for Clarion


The Clarion Water Supply is recommending to boil the water before using it for drinking or to use an alternative source. This after the Clarion Water Supply had a problem in the distribution system and the system

Burn bans continue across Iowa


There are 57 active burn bans in Iowa today, with 5 others that were recently lifted. All of the counties in the broadcast area remain under a burn ban except Hancock County.  The burn ban for Hancock

Appeals court backs restoring purged voters in Virginia

Signs on polling place door during voting on presidential election day in northern Virginia. ARLINGTON^ VIRGINIA^ USA - NOVEMBER 3^ 2020

On Sunday, a federal appeals court refused to throw out a lower court order that ordered recently purged voters restored in Virginia, setting up a possible U.S. Supreme Court appeal.  In a court filing Friday, Republican Gov.