There are a plethora of Christmas movies out. But what about Thanksgiving? Well, I have created a list of movies and TV episodes that take place during or celebrate Thanksgiving, and where you can watch them.
The Big Chill (83)-HBO Max or rent for $3.99
Grumpy Old Men (93)- Pluto TV for Free
Son in Law (93)- Hulu(My Favorite!)
Home for the Holidays(95)- Pluto TV or Hulu
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (87)- Pluto TV or Hulu
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving only available on Apple TV
Garfield Thanksgiving Special- Peacock or Youtube
Cheers s5 e9- Paramount & Peacock
Seinfeld s6 e8 – Amazon Prime
Friends s5 e8- HBO Max(a classic)
Gilmore Girls s3 e9- Netflix
How I Met Your Mother s3 e9- Hulu
Modern Family s6 e8- Hulu
The Office s7 e9- Peacock
That 70’s Show s1 e9- Peacock