There are reports of viral upper respiratory infections hitting the broadcast area.
Megan O’Brien, a Physician Assistant with Franklin Medical Center in Hampton, tells RadioOnTheGo News that in most cases, antibiotics will not work.
“Definitely been seeing a lot of headaches, sore throat, nasal congestion, nasal drainage, cough, but biggest red flags that we watch for, viral illnesses can last anywhere from 7 to 10 days. If patients are having persistent fevers, absolutely any sort of shortness of breath or worsening shortness of breath, those things need to be evaluated right away. Definitely worsening cough, productive coughs, those are things that we look a little bit more in depth at.”
With the holidays here, we asked O’Brien for her advice to those who plan on attending gatherings/parties.
“Even if we’re feeling great, we do recommend really good hand washing, lots of hand washing, absolutely covering those coughs, preferably in our elbows, not in our hands. We do get questions a lot on whether or not illnesses are contagious. It’s really hard for us to say 100% yes or no. Usually I say if you’re feeling under the weather, there is a chance you can give it to others. If you are concerned about being contagious, just try to stay away, especially those who are more susceptible, kiddos under the age of one, and definitely more of the elderly population.”
Franklin Medical Center in Hampton can be reached by calling 641-456-50-50.