Iowa DOT accepting public input on a proposed bridge project


The Iowa Department of Transportation is requesting public input on the proposed bridge replacement on U-S Highway 65 over the West Fork Cedar River in Cerro Gordo County, or between Rockwell and Sheffield. Proposed improvements include removing

Friday Birthdays & Anniversaries


Today’s birthday spotlight business is: Black Sheep Coffee Baa in GreeneToday’s winner will receive: $10 Gift Certificate Today’s birthday spotlight business is: Schuck Realty of ParkersburgToday’s winner will receive: Bev&Hennie’s Coffee Shop Gift Certificate(Pick up gift at

AP/GC secures sweep at Sumner-Fredericksburg Thursday


The AP/GC boys and girls wrestling teams each went 2-0 in Thursday’s triangulars at Sumner-Fredericksburg, as aired on 99 The Wave. The boys defeated Columbus Catholic 66-18 and Sumner-Fredericksburg 42-38. Against the Sailors, AP/GC had five wins

Cadet Hoops heading to Humboldt Friday


The Iowa Falls-Alden basketball teams will play their second straight North Central Conference away games when they travel to Humboldt for a doubleheader Friday, which will air on 104.9 KLMJ. The Cadet girls (5-5, 2-2 NCC) are