Iowa Crop Production summary for 2024 released


The 2024 Iowa Crop Production Annual Summary has been released by the USDA. The national summary and state summaries are released in January of each year. At 211 bushels per acre and 2-point-63-billion bushels of production, the

City council in Greene to meet at the community center


Monday the Greene City Council will discuss the water project timeline and will consider for approval a professional services agreement for bidding. The Greene council will hold a public hearing on an ordinance amendment concerning the rates

Franklin Supervisors to meet Monday in Hampton


Monday the Franklin County Board of Supervisors will consider an Iowa Department of Transportation Federal Aid Funding Agreement to help pay for a milling and resurfacing project on county road S-56 from Highway 57 north 12 miles

Parkersburg City Council discussed sidewalks this week


The Parkersburg City Council this week received information about defective sidewalk liabilities. There was discussion about the city’s responsibility to take greater care in identifying and making property owners aware of the need to fix their defective

Saturday Birthdays & Anniversaries


Today’s birthday spotlight business is:   Today’s winner receives:  Happy Birthday to… Happy Anniversary to… Dennis Mennen, Parkersburg Jennifer Heeren, Allison Tammy Birdsall, Hampton Roger Stock Trinity Valenzuela, Hampton Dawn Bruhn, Clarksville

Grundy Supervisors to receive budget information


Monday the Grundy County Board of Supervisors will meet with several department heads to discuss their proposed fiscal year 2026 budgets. The Grundy supervisors will discuss a dollar amount for the General Obligation Bond sale, and will