Saturday Birthdays & Anniversaries


Today’s birthday spotlight business is:   Today’s winner receives:  Happy Birthday to… Happy Anniversary to… Dennis Mennen, Parkersburg Jennifer Heeren, Allison Tammy Birdsall, Hampton Roger Stock Trinity Valenzuela, Hampton Dawn Bruhn, Clarksville (Winner)

Grundy Supervisors to receive budget information


Monday the Grundy County Board of Supervisors will meet with several department heads to discuss their proposed fiscal year 2026 budgets. The Grundy supervisors will discuss a dollar amount for the General Obligation Bond sale, and will

Iowa Falls-Alden swept at Humboldt in NCC Hoops Friday


The Iowa Falls-Alden basketball teams each were outshot in North Central Conference losses at Humboldt Friday, as aired on 104.9 KLMJ. The girls lost 58-47 and the boys fell 81-57. In the girls game, the teams played