West Fork Boys Wrestling Battled in an 0-2 Outing at Newman Triangular on Thursday


The West Fork boys wrestling went 0-2 as part of a Top of Iowa Conference triangular hosted by Newman Catholic on Thursday.  North Union won 48-15 over the West Fork in the first dual and Newman won 49-3 over the Warhawks in the second dual, as aired on 104.9 KLMJ.

Against North Union, West Fork won four of five contested matches. Gage Arndt won by a 10-5 decision at 126 over Samuel Kirkegaard, Preston Starr won by a 11-4 decision at 144 over Gabe Whaley of North Union, Jasper Jones won by Fall at 150 over Kade Madden of North Union and Andrew Baker won by a 7-2 decision at 165 over Josh Harmon of North Union. The Warriors Lucas Dreyer won the other contested bout at 215 via Fall over the Warhawks Jensen Robbins. The Warriors scored the rest of their team points on open weight wins by forfeit. 

Against Newman Catholic, West Fork won only one contested match, as Jasper Jones won by a 8-6 decision at 150 over Ryan Wolf of Newman. The Knight won the other three contested matches with a fall, major decision and decision. The Knights scored the rest of their team points on open weight wins by forfeit.

Warhawks Head Coach Keaton Wilson on top matches by Warhawks and the team’s drive to learn. 

“Preston Starr goes out there against one of North Union’s better kids, he’s a freshman, gets taken down in the first and then just dominated the rest of the match. Jasper Jones went out there and got a pin in the North Union dual. He then came back against Newman, got a little gassed in the third, which we’ll work on, and held on to grid out another tough W. Andrew Baker against North Union, went out there gridded through and gridded out a W. He got the take down in the last 10 seconds to win the match,” says Wilson. “I’m super proud of these guys. They come into the room every day, they want to learn. We compete at the weights we can compete at. We don’t have enough wrestlers to fill a team, but we wrestle. We’re not afraid of anyone, and we’re not going to shy away from competition.”

Jasper Jones went 2-0 on the night with a win by fall and decision.

West Fork (1-13) will return to the mat for the Top of Iowa Conference tournament on Saturday, January 25 at Saint Ansgar.

West Fork Head Coach Keaton Wilson Postgame Interview:

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