Greene City Council receives an update on economic development efforts in the community


Jeff Kolb, the Executive Director of the Butler-Grundy Development Alliance, met with the Greene City Council this week.

Kolb discussed the industrial park developer that will be starting with dirt work this spring with construction to follow this summer.  The developer is looking to have the city sponsor them for a state high quality jobs program application.  Kolb also said that the city could pass an abatement program to help offset taxes for the new developer.

In other business, Kolb discussed a possible developer for the former elementary school building, and wanted to apply for the Iowa Thriving Communities program on behalf of the city.  This would help developers gain access to tax credits/programs to help offset the cost of developing in the City of Greene.

The Greene City Council approved of Kolb applying to the Iowa Thriving Communities program on behalf of the city.

The minutes from the meeting can be found below:



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