Hampton-Dumont-CAL Boys Wrestling Coach Patrick Hansen has received an honor from the Iowa Wrestling Coaches and Officials Association. He was named this year’s recipient of the Class 2A Central District Coach of the Year Award.
Hansen says it’s a testament to his student-athletes.
“A lot of it just has to do with our kids,” Hansen says. “I didn’t make weight once all year, and I never had to wrestle a match. I just kind of organized it and show up on time, and they do all the work, and the parents do all the parenting, and all that stuff. So I kind of have an easy job. It’s more of a recognition for them. It’s great for our kids to get recognized anytime they can, and happy for the team we have, and what we’ve been able to build here and create. And it’s been a lot of fun to watch them grow.”
Hansen says being able to coach at his alma mater has been a special experience.
“Hampton is in my blood. It always will be no matter what. And it’s been a lot of fun here and just everybody, the people and everything and all the parents throughout the years and the kids throughout the years and stuff, it’s been awesome. I just shared something on my Facebook yesterday, like our team now, and it was from seven years ago. So they were, I think Mahler was like a sixth grader or fifth grader, and now seniors. And a bunch of the kids weren’t there because they weren’t wrestling yet. But a lot of our lineup was there. And we wrestled in a dual tournament, beat Don Bosco and Waverly-Shell Rock the same day. So there’s memories like that that I’ll have forever. I mean, it didn’t just happen this year, it’s a long haul, about a 10-year, 12, 13-year run of working and building kids up.”
Hansen is in his sixth season leading the program.
The Bulldogs will be back in action at Saturday’s Class 2A state qualifying meet at Clear Lake.
Patrick Hansen interview: