CGD School Board held a negotiation meeting Tuesday


Tuesday afternoon the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows School Board met with the Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Education Association.  The CGD board presented its response and initial proposal to the education association.  The association recently proposed a one-year contract with an increase of 5 percent on salaries.  Superintendent Joe Nelson presented a counteroffer with a proposed two-year contract with a first-year average increase of 2-point-65 percent, that would include bringing the required salaries to the 50-thousand and 62-thousand dollar minimum for employees, and the rest of the employees would receive a flat dollar increase of 16-hundred dollars.

The second-year average increase would be 2-point-49 percent, that would include bringing the minimum salaries of 50-thousand and 62-thousand dollars for employees it would pertain to, and the rest of the employees receiving a flat dollar increase of 15-hundred dollars.  Thus, making the two-year package an increase of 5-point-06 percent.

And if the sides can agree on a two-year contract, the district would be willing to subtract one day from the required days of 191 contract days to 190 contract days.  The two sides then met in a closed session.

The meeting minutes can be found below:



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