Chad Hart, extension crop marketing specialist, Melissa Miller, project director of the Iowa Nitrogen Initiative, and Kelly Garrett, co-founder of XtremeAg will speak at the annual meeting of the Northeast Iowa Agricultural Experimental Association (NEIAEA) at the Borlaug Learning Center, ISU Northeast Research Farm in Nashua on Wednesday, March 19.
The program will start at 9:30 a.m. with a Call to Order for the board meeting. Chad Hart will give a presentation at 10:00 a.m. titled “Tariffs, Trade, and the Economy”. In the next hour, Melissa Miller and Lauren Schwarck will discuss “The Iowa Nitrogen Initiative: 2024 Results and an Introduction to the N-FACT Decision Support System”. During lunch, Ken Pecinovsky, Farm Superintendent, will review 2024 research trial results conducted at the NE Research Farm and discuss future research plans. Kelly Garrett will wrap up the presentations at 1:00 p.m. as he shares his insights on “Regenerative Farming and the Benefits of Balancing Your Soil Health”.
The meeting is free and open to the public.