Clarksville City Council met this week


The Clarksville City Council this week tabled any action on employee wages. The Clarksville council did approve foul ball netting at the softball diamonds, fencing for the ball diamonds, and also to purchase a water heater and

Not much change in the drought conditions in Iowa


The latest U-S Drought Monitor Report shows that the coverage area of no drought conditions in Iowa is smaller again this week, now at just over 14 percent. The coverage areas for abnormally dry and moderate drought

Recap of the Iowa blizzard from this week


An intense low pressure system brought strong winds and blizzard conditions to central and western Iowa from late on Tuesday into Wednesday.  Once rain transitioned to snowfall overnight, wind gusts up to 68 miles per hour created

Iowa Attorney General provides tips to avoid tax scams


Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird announced tips this week to protect Iowans from tax and IRS scams during the 2025 tax filing season. Common tax scams include phone/imposter scams, identity theft, and tax preparer fraud. To protect

IVCCD enters into an effort with Senator Joni Ernst


The Iowa Valley Community College District says it is entering into a collaborative effort with the office of Iowa Senator Joni Ernst to document and preserve the invaluable stories of veterans residing at the Iowa Veterans Home

Main Street program in Grundy Center recognized


The Iowa Economic Development Authority this week announced several designated Main Street Iowa communities that have reached new benchmarks in private investment in 2024, demonstrating the ongoing commitment to revitalization, economic growth and historic preservation. One of

CAL School Board to hold a special meeting


Today the CAL School Board will hold a special meeting and will discuss and consider budget reductions. The CAL School Board special meeting is today at 5pm at the school in Latimer.

PPEL vote fails in the North Butler District


Tuesday a special election was held in the North Butler School District on whether or not the district could extend its Physical Plant and Equipment Levy for another 10-years. The proposed levy would be 1 dollar and

Thursday Birthdays & Anniversaries


Today’s birthday spotlight business is: Britt’s Boutique in HamptonToday’s winner will receive: $15 gift Certificate Today’s birthday spotlight business is: T&L Pizza Plus in Parkersburg Today’s winner will receive: Small Single Topping Pizza(Pick up gift at T&L)