New part-time police officer approved by the Parkersburg City Council


This week the Parkersburg City Council discussed the proposed property tax notices being sent to property owners and the public hearing taking place on April 7th.

As shared in the meeting, the information provided on the public notices does not accurately represent the certification of taxes by the City of Parkersburg or in any city in the State of Iowa due to how the notice was drafted with hypothetical property valuations.

There was discussion on the best ways of getting accurate information to property tax owners in the future.

In other business, the Parkersburg City Council approved the hiring of Jeremiah Johnson as a part-time police officer who will work about two days a week.  Johnson is a fully certified officer who also works part-time with the Butler County Sheriff’s Department.

Johnson will be paid $25 an hour while working as a Parkersburg officer.

The meeting minutes can be found below:



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