North Central Iowa Research Association annual meeting later this month


Members, farmers and ag business professionals are invited to attend the North Central Iowa Research Association annual meeting on March 27th at the Northern Research Farm, located at 310 South Main Street, in Kanawha.

The association, in partnership with Iowa State University, oversees the Northern Research Farm, and works with ISU Extension and Outreach to provide research, demonstrations, and educational events.

The annual meeting will feature such topics as managing waterhemp and use of drones in agricultural applications.

Registration and refreshments will begin at 8:30am on March 27th, the meeting will start at 9am, and the annual meeting will adjourn by 12:30pm.  The meeting is open to the public and there is no cost to attend, but you are encouraged to pre-register by calling 641-762-32-47 by March 20th.

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