Tuesday, March 18

Track & Field

Wartburg Indoor Invitational –



1st in Shot Put, Charlee Morton – 44-08.75 (New School Record)

4th in 3000m, MacKenzy Valley – 12:41.34

8th in the High Jump, Lily Hambly – 4-08

10th in the Long Jump, Addison Aalbers – 14-01.50

5th in 4x400m – 4:36.35


4th in the 55m Hurdles, Aaden Keehn – 8.40

7th in the 55m Hurdles, Colin Bird – 8.88

7th in the Shot Put, Beau Morton – 43-07.25

6th in the 200m, Briggs Gruelke – 24.60

15th in the 400m, Jacob Donnenwerth – 59.93

10th in 4x800m – 10:17.49

11th in 4x200m – 1:40.55

14th in 4x400m – 3:54.34

Riverhawk Girls Indoor Invitational @ Mason City –

(West Fork)

1st in 400m, Evie Hitzhusen

3rd in Distance Medley Relay, Preslee Dickman, Karma McMorris, JoAnna Wallace, Evie Hitzhusen

4th in High Jump, Keara Wood

4th in Shot Put, Brylee Dickman

Area school a STEM BEST Program awardee


The Governor’s STEM Advisory Council at the Iowa Department of Education is awarding 29 Iowa school districts with STEM BEST Program awards. This includes 15 new models and 14 returning schools that are looking to expand or

AGWSR School Board acts on sharing agreements


The AGWSR School Board recently met and approved a 28-E Sharing Agreement with the BCLUW School District for the position of superintendent for the 2025-26 school year. The AGWSR board voted to dissolve a different 28-E Sharing

City council in Allison met last week


Last week the Allison City Council discussed plot transfers at the cemetery, and made the decision that if a plot owner does not have a stone on a plot and chooses to move to a different plot

Farmers gearing up for spring planting


The first day of spring is Thursday, and area farmers are in the early stages of getting ready for spring planting. This is Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Field Agronomist Angie Rieck-Hinz. “First we want to

Hardin Supervisors to meet Wednesday morning


The Hardin County Board of Supervisors Wednesday will receive a presentation by a senior manager for a utility-scale development for RWE Clean Energy, L-L-C. The Hardin supervisors will also consider an agreement for compromise and assignment of