The Franklin County Arts Council will present a scholarship benefit concert Saturday at the Faith Baptist Church in Hampton.
The two performing artists this year are Chad Sonka and Victoria Erickson, who have ties to the Midwest.
“Chad is on the staff of the music faculty at Iowa State University and Chad is making a return visit here. He was here in Franklin County just a few years ago and Victoria is a singer from Minnesota. Kind of the take we’re doing this year with bringing in our performing artists is both Victoria and Chad are from small towns. That’s one of the things as we’re looking at planning it this year is we really wanted to focus the idea that even though you’re from a small town in the Midwest, whether it be Iowa or Minnesota or whatever, that really when you have talent and a work ethic and just kind of a dream, you really can make some things happen and really make your life as a performer.”
That’s Leon Kuehner with the Franklin County Arts Council. The combined high school chorus of Hampton-Dumont-CAL and West Fork will be featured Saturday. Proceeds from the concert will help support the Franklin County Arts Council scholarship fund.
“This was an event that we probably a program we started in 2011. Since that time, we’ve been able to give $36,000 in scholarships to Franklin County High School seniors. And we just want to thank all our donors that make all of this possible because we started and had no money. We started from zero. So that’s the thing that’s been really neat. I mean, last year alone, we were able to offer $5,000. So we had five Franklin County High School seniors that were able to get these scholarships. And it’s something we feel that’s really super, super important. And again, we could not do it without donor support.”
The Franklin County Arts Council scholarship benefit concert will be held Saturday at 2:00 p.m. at the Faith Baptist Church in Hampton. A free-will offering will be taken to support the scholarship fund.
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