Parkersburg recreation trail extension beginning soon


A project to extend Parkersburg’s highway corridor recreation trail will begin soon. City Administrator Chris Luhring says it’s been a project years in the making.

“It’s super nice to get that trail extended further to the north down Newell Avenue,” Luhring says. “It’s about a $1.5 million project, a little bit less than that. It’s also going to be extended through Schwartz Park all the way to Florence Street to the west. Basically, it’s a gravel road with asphalt on top of it. So it’s really an unimproved roadway in a lot of ways. So now it’ll be fit for another 50 years at a minimum. So a of, a lot of good things going on with that.”

The project will include the installation of a trail on the west side of Newell Avenue and the finishing of a path that runs from Newell Avenue to Florence Street, ending near the high school baseball field. The Parkersburg City Council approved a pay estimate at its latest meeting. Construction is expected to begin in April.

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