Four Dike-New Hartford spring sports teams will be in action Thursday.
The track & field teams will both compete. The boys will host the Simons Relays, where they’ll be the only NICL team in attendance. They’ll welcome teams from the Top of Iowa, North Central and Iowa Star conferences in a meet that’ll start at 5:00.
The girls track & field team will be at the Harry Dole Classic Coed at Grundy Center. Head Coach Rachael Cheeseman on some midseason objectives.
“Five, six, seven, that’s kind of, there’s a bunch of girls that are really right there that could be the fifth girl out for a relay or an alternate,” Cheeseman says. “So just making sure that we keep our top girls up there but also continue to have depth, something that we’re really trying to develop right now. So looking for that too, there’s lots of opportunities for girls to step up.”
It’ll start at 4:30.
The DNH/AP girls golf team will host Crestwood, Hudson and Wapsie Valley for a quad at Fox Ridge Golf Course at 4:15.
The girls soccer team will travel to Union, a team they beat 4-0 earlier in the season. The game will start at 5:30.