Blood drive to be held in Iowa Falls Thursday


A blood drive will be held in Iowa Falls Thursday from 2-6pm at The Hub at Kruse Main Hall on the Ellsworth Community College campus.

Individuals can register to donate and receive free socks and free pizza.

Shay Willis is a spokesperson for the LifeServe Blood Center, who will be collecting the blood and related products in Thursday’s drive. She tells RadioOnTheGo News that potential donors can have their questions answered.

“Don’t self-defer, meaning don’t tell yourself you can’t until you really truly do the research and find out. We have a fantastic team at LifeServe that will help answer your questions and help you determine if you’re eligible or not. But I just think there’s a lot of misconceptions and maybe misunderstandings that if you came in and were deferred maybe for high blood pressure, well, you can actually come back in and try again. That’s not something that’s going to keep you from donating forever.”

To sign up for Thursday’s blood drive in Iowa Falls, call 800-287-49-03.

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